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Calm Parents Confident Kids

How to Use Brain Training to Raise Happy Resilient Children

A 21st-century essential reference manual for creating peace in your hearts, peace in the home, and more peace on Earth

“But the best benefit of training my brain is that I know how to stay emotionally aligned. I know how to be authentically, deeply happy.” Dana Wilde

Calm Parents Confident Kids Cover with Ribbon.png

Do you want to feel more confident as a parent?

Would you like to experience a more calm, joyful, happy home life? Are you looking for a simple tool to raise your child's, and your own, self-esteem?

Look no further. All this and more are possible when you learn to Train Your Brain to tell a different story and share this learning with your children.

Calm Parents Confident Kids Cover with Ribbon.png
Do you want to feel more confident as a parent?

Would you like to experience a more calm, joyful, happy home life? Are you looking for simple tools to raise your child’s, and your own, self-esteem?

Look no further. All this and more are possible when you learn to Train Your Brain to tell a different story and share this learning with your children.
“When I finally realized that training my kids’ brains had much more to do with me training my own brain before I interacted with them, things really smoothed out.” 
Crater Lake
White Structure

Watch a showcase of wisdom, inspiration, and tips from these parents and educators who are brain trainers. 

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